Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Exatio's Greaves

Both greaves are now finished, here is the right one. More pictures soon.

Concept Art: Mercenaries and Soldiers

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Costumes: Soldiers and Mercenaries

The following costumes are mainly different varieties of same garments, but more will be made.

Soldier Costume with chainmail and cloak.

Soldier costume with chainmail.

Soldier Costume with chainmail, military belt, cloak and shield.

Mercenary Costume one.

Mercenary Costume two, with scavenged shoulder plates.

Storyboards: Prologue

Progress has begun on storyboarding. Currently I have finished scene one, two and the prologue.
(Click on the images for a closer look)

Prologue: Royal Blood (page 1)

A look at a few more pages